Strong Bad takes Daft Punk to The Limit

Homestar Runner has made a glorious –albeit infrequently released– return to the internets of late. But before that was a thing, Daft Punk released an album. Then someone decided to do the best, most logical thing that could have been done, and the result was this. I still listen to it in its entirety on […]

The LA Rams Of ’86 Wanna “Ram It”, You’ve Been Warned

If you grew up in the nineteen hundred and eighties, you know that it was an odd time when everyone who was anyone thought they had to awkwardly rap their every thought and feeling. We did survive this difficult era of ill conceived communication decisions, but every now and then it rears its ugly head, mostly involving […]

Quick Crew Dances, Crew Style, To “Asian Concept”

We don’t always get what we want in this life. We’re not all rich and powerful, not everyone’s gonna create a cure to something important, and to date, I have yet to have a threesome with two smokin’ hot red heads. Life isn’t fair. I want to be a dance crewer, but I am not, […]

Japanese Performance Art Troupe’s Performance, Actually Art

The world of performance art usually hates both performance and art. But in this rare case, we get something that is actually both. Originally posted on Your Daily Media ​Usually, when I hear the term “performance art” the first image that springs to mind is a be-dreadlocked gentleman clogging up a busy downtown sidewalk, stapling […]