Show Your Support For Reproductive Rights With This Coat Hanger Pendant Conversation Starter

There’s not a lot of things more polarizing in today’s society than what a lady woman should and shouldn’t be allowed to do with her own biological by-product. So what better way to gently facilitate rational conversation than a coat hanger hanging around your neck as thank you for your donation to the cause? Oh, […]

We're Having a Bake Sale for Our Very Own XXX Website

It’s happened !! It’s FINALLY happened !!! The powers that be who hold dominion over the interwebby names have allowed websites, such as ourselves, to become .XXX websites. How indecently awesome is that ?? Think about it, we wouldn’t be just a run of the mill boring old .COM website anymore, we could be really […]

Better Get Your ‘Gaydar’ Fixed !!

A heterosexual black male, a gay white male, and a filthy hillbilly male walk into a bar. The bartender says, “We don’t serve your type here”. The three men look at each other in confusion, turn to the bartender and say, “Which one of us are you talking to”? And that there my friends lies […]