The LA Rams Of ’86 Wanna “Ram It”, You’ve Been Warned

If you grew up in the nineteen hundred and eighties, you know that it was an odd time when everyone who was anyone thought they had to awkwardly rap their every thought and feeling. We did survive this difficult era of ill conceived communication decisions, but every now and then it rears its ugly head, mostly involving […]

Van Full of Candy traded to Jacksonville

With the NFL lockout finally coming to an end this week, teams have been frantically signing and trading players in a feeding frenzy unseen in the history of the league as they get ready for the start of the 2011 NFL season, just six weeks away. Among all of the confusion of blockbuster trades and free agent signings we have learned just this afternoon […]

Anarchgay in the USA

Every time a gay thinks about marrying, God gets punched in the taint by the Devil and a kitten sucks a dick. A same-sex marriage bill is currently working its way through the New York state legislature which can only mean one thing, Jesus is warming up his wave machine while solemnly shaking his head in disappointment with […]

Science: Making the Impossible still more Impossibler

I’m a scientist. And you know what? So are you. You see, the heavy lifting of being a scientist isn’t in proving something as fact, most science isn’t fact. Or in discovering something new, you know how hard that shit is? Most of the stuff around you’s probably been discovered by somebody already. No, what […]